Monday, October 15, 2012

Blue, pink, yellow, green....

I went to visit my OB today. Tim had to work, but my mom went along. I'm still holding at only a 3 lb. weight gain. The baby's heartbeat was strong at 158. It's beautiful every time I hear it. I could listen to it all the time. I got a flu shot, which hurt! Ouch! Pregnant women are at a high risk. I usually get a flu shot though and I definitely don't want to get sick while pregnant.

One of the first questions I asked the Dr. was..So when do we get to find out the sex? In 5 weeks, November 20! Time is flying by so I know that it will be here before we know it. I had feelings that it was a girl, and then feelings that it's a boy. Who knows, right?

I know it's early but I started a Target registry. I, of course, just signed up, didn't put anything on it. I know everything flies by, but I'm just so excited. I found some gender-neutral Winnie the Pooh bedding that I really like. I've also found some different things that I may have a friend paint on the nursery wall. I plan to decide on that once we find out the sex.

Anyway, that's all for now.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I'm a horrible blogger

I've been terrible at keeping up with us lately. I'm now 13 weeks 4 days pregnant and in my 2nd trimester. Our first ultrasound went great. The little one was growing perfectly, had a strong heartbeat of 178 and even wiggled a little. My next appt. is Oct. 15. I will be half way at the end of November so sometime then we should find out the sex! Time really is flying by.

I'm mostly writing tonight because I'm missing my daddy badly. My heart breaks every time I think of having the baby and him not being there. I know that I'm emotional due to hormones, but when I lost daddy one of my first thoughts was that he wouldn't be here for my children. I know he is watching over all of us and I believe he has already met our child. But, it still hurts. It always will.

I will try to be better at this whole blogging thing. Here is a 13 week update. 

Cravings: Orange Juice, can't get enough.

Baby size: medium shrimp hehe

Happy Things:  hearing the heartbeat with my doppler :) Tim starting his job!

Sad things/Worries: Just missing my daddy, other than that, things are good.

Weight Gain: Still hanging at 3 pounds!

Aches and Pains: Nausea has worn down a lot, but still have it some

Mood: Pretty happy most of the time

Movement: I have felt a few flutters that I'm sure are baby!

Maternity clothes? I've started wearing jeans some, but sweat pants/yoga pants and t-shirts are also my best friend

Sleep:  Still sleeping a lot.