Thursday, February 28, 2013

40 days to go?!?

As of yesterday, I have been cooking this little one for 34 weeks! There are now only 40 days until my "due date". I put that in quotes because obviously it's just a roundabout time for him to make his appearance. I will be considered full term in 3 short weeks.

I had my two week appointment yesterday and all was well. I'm measuring right on - not behind and not ahead. His little heart is beating away strongly as always. I feel incredibly blessed. My next appointment is at 36 weeks and from then weekly until he comes into this world.

Everyone says that first time moms tend to go into labor late, but I've also heard from many moms who went early or on their due date. I just think everyone is different. Some people have severely strong opinions though. Cooper will come when my body and his is good and ready.

The nursery is all finished. We got it done just in time for some photos. Jessica did a great job. The majority of our photos were shot outside at Emory & Henry college because the weather turned out to be great. And then we got some in the nursery. We got to see two photos, but will have to wait on the others. I can't wait to see them all.

Here comes March!
((40 days until due date))

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My wonderful baby shower/33 weeks

Just like the rest of time has flown, my shower has come and gone. Thanks to my sister-in-law, aunt, and best friend, it was wonderful. The decorations were beautiful, the food was delicious and the company was fun. I couldn't have asked for more.

I have to thank all my guests too. I know that some of my close loved ones worked hard to get off work to share the day with me. We were also truly blessed with a lot of gifts for Cooper. I've been working the past 3 days to put things away in the nursery. We have a lot of diapers, wipes and other essentials to start. He also got a lot of other cute things.

I have to mention how great it was to spend 2 days with my best friend who lives almost 1000 miles away. You really can't get a better friend than that. I got to spend time with her, her daughter & husband on Friday. Then had dinner with her and my sister-in-law that night. Of course, when she had to leave on Saturday evening, tears were shed. With babies & money, we never know how long it will be until next time.


Today, I hit 33 weeks. In 4 weeks, I'm considered full term and in 7, the big 4-0. Wow. It truly feels like I just got that big positive. Barring he is fully developed, Cooper is welcome to come in 4 weeks. Here that little one?

I'm in the out-of-breath, tired, hurting stage and not quite nesting. But because we are having some maternity pictures taken in the nursery this weekend, I have been working on it this week.

Here's my bumpdate: 33 weeks

Cravings: same

Baby size: around 4 lbs. 4 oz., 17 inches

Happy Things: getting the nursery ready

Sad things/Worries:  not really worried

Weight Gain:  This is where I stop with this question :)

Aches and Pains: Headaches, my back, my hips

Mood: eh up and down

Movement: lots & lots. It's getting different though.

Maternity clothes? yep although I prefer sweat pants!

Sleep:  It takes a while to fall asleep, I sleep few hours before I'm up again

((49 days until due date))

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My big boy

I had my final ultrasound today at 32 weeks to measure baby Cooper. With all the measurements, they are estimating he is about 4 lbs. 4 oz. :) He's a good size, with 8 weeks left to grow. The tech was trying to measure his head and he wouldn't turn a good way. So, she used this buzzer sound and wow, he moved. He was like, what the heck, mom? haha. That let us see his little face for a minute or so. My favorite part though was when he put his hand up. Five perfect little fingers. I can't wait to kiss each little one.

I'm getting really excited about this weekend. Tomorrow I'm getting my hair done so it looks decent. Holli will be here Friday afternoon! yay! My shower is going to be great, I just know it.

Well, the pain in my back is growing steadily so I shall leave my laptop for now.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Oww my back

 Here we are at 31 weeks pregnant. I'm getting so excited to hold my sweet little boy. Things are getting put up in the nursery and the shower is only a week and a half away. We now have the dresser, changing table, stroller & car seat :) And a glider rocker is on the way!

The aches & pains of pregnancy are getting harder. It's harder to bend over, to shave my legs, to breathe haha (but seriously). Sleep is becoming something I do when I can because it's so broken up, I'm usually tired. I'm very thankful that I don't have to work right now because it's all I can do to do things at home.

Because they didn't think when scheduling, next week I get to have another ultrasound to measure how big little Cooper is right now.

In 6 short weeks, I'll be considered full term. Wow.


Cravings: The only things that remain are pepsi & orange juice.

Baby size: Around 3 lbs. and 16 inches long

Happy Things: getting ready for the shower

Sad things/Worries:  hmmm?

Weight Gain:  This is where I stop with this question :)

Aches and Pains: Headaches, my back, my hips

Mood: eh up and down

Movement: lots & lots. This boy rarely sleeps. I love it.

Maternity clothes? yep although I prefer sweat pants!

Sleep:  It takes a while to fall asleep, I sleep few hours before I'm up again

((62 days until my due date))