Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My birth story

Cooper Grant Baldwin. 4/2/2013. 9:15 p.m.
7 lbs. 9.3 oz. 19.5 inches long.

I kept thinking Cooper would come when I kept having Braxton Hicks contractions for days, but they never got close together. At 7 a.m. on April 2, I woke up and went to the bathroom. Tim was getting ready for work. He would’ve been leaving in about 5 minutes or less. I went back to the bedroom and sat on the bed and boom! My water broke. I first yelled for Tim, but realized he couldn’t hear me. I went out to the kitchen and told him. He was so excited and I was shaking like a leaf. My first phone call was to my mom at work after I figured out what I was doing. She was so anxious but soon on her way. Tim & I got the last things together that we needed for the hospital and once my mom arrived, we headed to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, they checked me and I was 3 cm and about 80% effaced. Contractions hadn’t started yet so I wasn’t in any pain. I got put in a room, hooked up to my IV and the anesthesiologist came to discuss my epidural. Still, no pain yet. About 30 minutes later, boom, I felt the worse pain of my life. I was in tears with contractions so they hurried the epidural up a bit. I honestly had no idea how bad contractions would hurt. The epidural was heaven and I didn’t feel that needle going in at all.

The next several hours went by. I was checked and tried to rest. About 5 p.m., I was almost fully dilated. They decided to let me push once, but Cooper’s heart rate dropped a little. Then they said it would be best if I could labor down since I wasn’t in any pain and just wait until he was a little more ready. 

At 8 p.m., it was time. I felt the urge to push. It was originally going to just be Tim and I in the delivery room. But my mom knocked on the door and we told her to come in. It just seemed right for the three of us to be there as he was born. My contractions were still about 3 minutes apart, but I started pushing. And at 9:15, my beautiful baby boy was born. I cried the happiest tears I have ever cried. He was perfect. 

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