Sunday, December 23, 2012

Wowza 6 months!

Tim, my mom and I just got back from a weekend at the in-law's house. We had a very nice weekend just relaxing, talking, and playing cards. This will probably be the last trip since I'm 6 months along now. With it being my first pregnancy and it not being that great, I worry about traveling away from my doctors after 7 months.

At my last appointment, the doctor measured my stomach (uterus) and said it was right on time. Sometimes I feel like I'm not big enough but other days I feel huge. It's funny.

The other day I saw my stomach actually move for the first time and yesterday Tim finally caught little Cooper moving with his hand. Before it seemed every time Tim touched my stomach, he would stop moving. Silly boy.

The baby shower is set for Feb. 16! I can't believe it. I'll be 32 1/2 weeks along then. And it's right before Tim & I's 3rd wedding anniversary :)

It's a few days late, but here's a 24 week update:

Cravings: It varies, but I still love Pepsi.

Baby size: About 12 inches long and a little over a pound!

Happy Things:  seeing my belly move & Tim feeling him

Sad things/Worries: not too much right now

Weight Gain:  14 lbs.

Aches and Pains: Headaches, tired

Mood: moody

Movement: he's all over the place, it's getting stronger

Maternity clothes? yep

Sleep:  Having trouble falling asleep, hips hurting some

Monday, December 10, 2012

Pregnancy Survey

About the mommy!
Name:  Aimee

Hair color:  Brown

Eye color: Brown

First child?: yep :)

About the daddy!

Name: Tim

Hair color: Brown

Eye color:  Hazel

First child?:yep :)

Finding out!
What day did you find out?:  August 2, 2012

How did you feel when you found out?: thrilled. It was surreal.

Who was with you?: I took it alone but then called Tim into the room.

Who was the first person you told?:Tim

About your parents!

How did your parents react?: Just as thrilled as us

How did his parents react?: pretty excited as well

Are they helping with baby names?  Nope

Have they bought anything for the baby yet?: my mom bought a couple of onesies

Do they call to check on you?:  Well we live with my mom & yes, momma b checks on me lots

About the pregnancy!
When was/is your first appointment?: I can't remember the date but I was only like 5 weeks

When is your due date?: April 10

How far along are you?: 22 weeks 5 days

Have you had any ultrasounds?: yes, two

Have you heard the heartbeat?: yep lots

What was the heartbeat? It's usually in the 150s

Sex of the baby!
Are you finding out the sex or waiting until birth?  It's a boy!

What do you want?: ....

What does the daddy want?: ...

Have you had your big ultrasound yet?:  yep

If so, what are you having?: BOY

Are mommy and daddy happy with the gender?: Of course we are!

About the birth!
Who is going to be with you?:in the room, just Tim

Are you going to videotape it?: No

Natural or medicated?:  Epidural

Do you think you will need a c-section?: No idea, you never know

Will you cry when you hold your baby for the first time?: Very likely

Do you think the daddy will cry?: possibly

Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold him/her?: No idea

Are you scared about the labor?: A little

Do you have a name picked out?: sure do

Is your baby going to be named after someone?: He will have his daddy's middle name

Other random questions!
Where was your baby conceived?: this is too personal

Have you felt the baby move?:  For about a month now. He's wild haha

Do you have stretch marks yet?: just a few

What was your first symptom?: just had a feeling

Will your baby have godparents?: nah

What is the baby’s room theme?: Winnie the Pooh

What was the first thing you bought for the baby:A little outfit when we found out it was a boy

Will you use cloth diapers?: Nope

Breastfeeding or formula?: not 100 percent, but probably breastfeeding

What is your favorite pregnancy book?:The girlfriend's guide to pregnancy..informative and funny

What do you look forward to doing again once you are no longer pregnant?lots of things I never feel like doing because I feel bad

Is he ready to be a daddy?:  Yep

Are you ready to be a mommy?:  Yep

Thursday, December 6, 2012

22 weeks, on the other side

I don't remember if I wrote about feeling down or not but it seems to be getting a little better. I had a good cry the other night and honestly, I think that helped. I've been having trouble getting to sleep though. I'm uncomfortable, my mind races....So instead of laying there tossing and turning tonight I'm just staying up. Luckily, I'm working evenings now so I don't have to get up early.

Baby boy is moving more and more every day. And I feel like I've grown a lot in the past couple of weeks. 

We're getting our Christmas tree this weekend! I'm so excited. It will be here before we know it and it will be 2013. WOW. So far this pregnancy has flown. I have a feeling that after the holidays, it will all slow down. Dun, Dun, Dun....haha.

Here's my 22 week update:

Cravings: Still hooked on orange juice and pickles and Pepsi although I don't drink that often.

Baby size: About 11 inches long, and 15 oz. (average) Almost a pound!

Happy Things:  more & more movement

Sad things/Worries: just being down

Weight Gain:  12 lbs.

Aches and Pains: Headaches, starting to swell, had to take off my wedding rings

Mood: grouchy, down

Movement: more during the day now

Maternity clothes? yep

Sleep:  This week has been rough for falling asleep

My 22 week belly shot

Sunday, December 2, 2012

That really grinds my gears...part 1

Since becoming pregnant, my hormones have made me more open and less the one who bites her tongue. So here are some things that really BUG me! Don't be hurt.

1. Hashtags on facebook. If they linked to subjects like on twitter, I would be totally okay with it. THEY DON'T! It's just a bunch of words running together with a pound sign in front of it. Yeah. Go tweet.

2. Unsolicited advice. Becoming pregnant brings this on even worse than normal. If I want your advice, I'll ask. Just because this is my first child, doesn't mean I'm ignorant. Some things I know nothing about and I do ask people.

3. Bad grammar. This has always been a pet peeve of mine. I realize everyone isn't great at English, but basic spelling and grammar isn't that difficult. I don't expect you to be a scholar or a writer. Take five minutes and learn the difference between your and you're.

Oddly, that is all I can think of right now. Expect more later.