Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bring it on April!

So, after more than 9 long months, tomorrow is finally April! In some ways it seems like I just found out I was pregnant. In other ways it seems like that day at the beach was forever ago. I sure have been through a lot and it's all been worth it.

It's so hard to believe that tomorrow is April 1 and my due date is only 10 days away. I had my last appointment on Friday and I was still 3 cm. I hoped for more progress but at this point that is still good. I go back on Wednesday when I officially hit 39 weeks. No date has been set but if nothing happens first, I'm hoping to be induced on Thursday or Friday. Since I'm making progress and I'm in a lot of pain, the doctors feel it's okay to give him a little push.

Tim & I are so excited to become parents. We've shared our love for one another for so many years now and are ready to share it with our little one. So many people are anticipating Cooper's arrival. He will be here very soon. I already feel like a mommy, but looking into that face will be a whole new thing.

((10 days or less))

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Contractions, contractions, contractions

So I had another appointment on Thursday and it went well. I have progressed to 3 cm!! I was pretty excited. I went from fingertip dilated to 3 cm in one week :) I'm still having contractions every day. They seem to be coming every evening for a few hours and then they slowly go away.

Today, Tim & I went for a short walk. I felt a lot of pressure afterwards and have been having contractions this evening. There aren't consistent right now. I'm only 37 1/2 weeks but  if he's ready, I'm ready.

When I left the dr., they said we will see you next week, maybe...It would be nice to have him before next Friday. We will see.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


As of today, my baby boy is considered full term. If I go into labor now he is not premature. I can't believe that I'm so far along. I remember being tiny and curled up in bed with morning sickness and here I am, big and uncomfortable. Cooper's movements are so strong, I can't help but moan. He's a big boy.

Tomorrow is my weekly check-up and they will check my cervix again. I'm hoping for some progress. Last Tuesday I was 50% effaced and fingertip dilated. We will see!

Cravings: gatorade

Baby size: around 6.3 lbs. and 19 inches long

Happy Things: everything is ready!!

Sad things/Worries:  none really

Weight Gain:  You know I'm done here haha

Aches and Pains: Headaches, my back, my legs

Mood: excited

Movement: strong, but less

Maternity clothes? sweatpants & tshirts now

Sleep:  I wake up about every 2 hours..might as well be feeding a baby :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Weekend with Braxton Hicks

Who is this Braxton Hicks you ask? He is apparently an evil little man who thinks that women "practicing" for labor is fun. It's not.

Up to this point, well yesterday, I hadn't had a contraction. Many of my pregnant friends had mentioned them, but I thought I'd dodged the practice ones. Yesterday I was in the store with my mom when one hit me. I felt kind-of off all day. I had several all day and evening, but when I laid down they would stop.

Again today, I've been hit with a few contractions. They aren't comfortable my friends. I'm glad that my body is getting ready, but I'd rather just go into labor.

Anyway, my hospital bag is packed. The carseat just has to be put in the car. The bassinet is ready to be slept in :)

((24 days until my due date))

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The end is near!

Today started out rough. It began as one of those days where none of my clothes felt comfortable. My head already hurt. And I had only had about 5 hours of sleep. Honestly, I wanted to go back to bed. But I didn't.

I spent the morning with my mom and my nephew Luke shopping for the last few things for Cooper. So it seems like we're all set now. I love the way Luke says Cooper. It's the cutest thing. Then I gave in to a craving for taco bell because I never get it. Who cares that it was only 10:30 a.m. It was quite delicious.

My headache only got worse but I was able to take a nap after lunch. I had a doctor's appointment at 3:15 and it was my first cervical check because tomorrow I will be 36 weeks! Heck yeah! I was pretty grouchy when I got there, but the doctor made me feel better. It was my first time seeing this doctor and he was really nice. I told him I was doing okay but could barely function with my migraines lately. He said the sweetest thing.  "We like to go to 39 weeks, but we can definitely induce you then". This may be dramatic, but I heard an angel. He checked me and it turns out I'm also 50% effaced which is pretty good. I'm only fingertip dilated at this point.

So, the end is near. No date yet, but in about 3 weeks I will have my sweet boy in my arms. That is unless he decides to join us sooner. This mama is tired.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Heart-wrenching story

I know my blog's purpose is to document my pregnancy, but I just read a story that I wanted to share with others. This story is heartwrenching for me. As a pregnant woman and someone who is against abortion, it really pulled at my heart. I just thought as I read it, what if I were that surrogate? What would I do? This lady was backed against a wall to do what she felt was right. True, the child was not biologically hers. She was only the vessel for it to grow. I just cannot imagine.

I can't honestly say how I would have handled her situation because I am not in it. But as I feel my little man squirm around in my belly tonight, I feel blessed in many ways. 

Count your blessings friends.