Sunday, July 28, 2013

I am a SAHM

If you had asked me 10, even 5 years ago if I wanted to be a stay at home mom I would have no said no way. I always wanted to be a mom, but a working mom.

Soon into my pregnancy, I started to think what it would be like to be home with my little one. After talking to my husband, we both decided if it were possible when the time came, I would stay home. I didn't want a stranger taking care of my baby. Not to mention the cost of daycare is outrageous.

So, I'm a stay at home mom to an almost 4 month old (next week). Some of you know what I do because you do it too. Some of you don't. Being a stay at home mom means I spend 98% of my waking time with my son. That 2 percent is the occasional trip to the store alone or long shower. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.

I wake up and go to sleep to this face. Be jealous.
I sleep when he lets me. I eat when he lets me. I often eat with one hand while doing something with him and my food gets cold. I wake up early, sneak a nap with him, wash bottles, do laundry, and talk a lot of baby talk. Sometimes I forget about the poor dog because I'm caught up with Cooper. Luckily, she reminds me when she has to go outside. I usually don't take a shower until my husband gets home from work because then I don't have to worry about baby needing me. Before becoming a mom, I was always a 10 minute shower girl. Now I take my sweet time and enjoy it. When he was first born, I always went to bed exactly when he did. Now after I put him down, I blog, I watch tv, I call my best friend, etc. It's my "me" time.

A stay at home mom's job isn't easy. But it's also the best job I have ever had. It's not for everybody, but it's for me. I would much rather spend my days playing in the floor, making bottles, and rocking my sweet boy than dressing up and going to an office. I prefer my sweats and drool stained t-shirts and he even likes my singing :)

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